Friday, 11 April 2008

T h e R e t e n t i o n D i l e m m a

W h y P r o d u c t i v e W o r k e r s L e a v e

One-third of the workforce—gone in two years
Why are your people leaving?
A little history
Research results—why people quit
Key retention issues by job category

S e v e n T h i n g s C o m p a n i e s C a n D o
T o R e d u c e A t t r i t i o n
1. Show them you care
2. Be lean—but not mean
3. Walk the talk
4. Measure “soft” skills
5. Fight attrition with smart training
6. Weed out poor managers
7. Eliminate weak performers in non-management ranks


  1. Anyone interested to know more on the topics mentioned above, please PM me.

  2. well, there are some who leave company not due to those reason. It's becoz of what they so call "their dream".

  3. I also want to know... but u talking about junior or senior?

  4. hmm...
    why ler? everyone got their dreams ma...
    if you think you need to move forward n there is an opportunity, you should move on.

  5. seems like u asking me to move on wor. haha.

  6. no la...
    i dun know your working situation la...
    I am just sharing my feeling with you guys.
