Wednesday 25 June 2008

黄昏 - SE K800i

卑律光头佬 - 酱蒸金凤鱼(非洲鱼) Cheras Taman Segar


酱蒸金凤鱼, 有点辣,不过很好吃(剩下骨头吃不下)
药材鸡, 很够味(汤也被喝完)
葱油豆腐(冷), 口感很好,也可以选择热的
蔬菜, 普通
三色蛋 (鸡蛋,皮蛋,咸蛋), 超滑的。。。

Monday 23 June 2008

Chiling Waterfall 22 Jun

A journey full of challenge...

1) No one know the route to Sg Chiling
2) Conned by a cyclist (showing wrong route)
3) left my camera at home

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Nelson Bay (鸟巢?)


去了Sri Petaling 的 Rabbit 吃午餐
第二:价钱公道(主食+rojak+饮料, rm 8.90)



客家炸肉 -很大的瓦煲


Monday 16 June 2008


用了SE K800i 拍了几张

Thursday 12 June 2008

Rojak @ Setia Curry House (Setia Alam)

Rojak 浆辣中带点甜


Tuesday 10 June 2008

Apple - iPhone - Features - Home Screen

Get a Work / Life Balance on Projects

Get a Work / Life Balance on Projects—Part I

What is a “Work / Life Balance”? To us, it’s “getting the maximum enjoyment from your work time and personal time, every day”. This means really enjoying the time you have at work, and the time you spend after hours, so that you’re getting the most out of what life has to offer. The reverse of this is not enjoying your job, and not having a personal life. If you’re in that camp, then read these 10 tips to get back on track:

Tip 1: Prioritize

Sit down over a nice warm drink and ask yourself this question. “If this was your last day on this planet and you were reviewing your adult life to date, then what would you say about it and what would you wish you’d done differently?” Think long and hard about this question, then write down your answer. Now set out a clear vision for what you’re going to do differently, from this point onwards.

Remember, you may not need to make radical changes to improve your life. It’s usually just about priorities. Write down a new set of priorities for your life, ones that mean the most to you.

Tip 2: Set Goals

Now you need to set yourself 3 personal goals, to help you “get the maximum enjoyment from your work time and personal time every day”. For example, your goals might relate to your physical health, your personal time or the way you approach your work. The goals must together help you to achieve your perfect work /life balance (as defined above).

Tip 3: Watch your Hours

It makes sense that to achieve a perfect work/life balance, you need to enjoy both your work, and your personal life. If you work around the clock, then you may not get the time to have a personal life. So try and balance your work time, family time and personal time, so that you actually make time to achieve your goals.

Tip 4: Look after Yourself

You should now set out a health plan for the next 2 months, to make sure that you look after yourself as best as you can. Set simple goals for eating the right foods, exercizing 2-3 times a week and doing the little things that make you feel good. If you feel great, then you’ll gain tons of new energy you never new you had before, and you can throw this new energy into things that make you feel even better.

Tip 5: Socialize

We’re not all “social butterflies” but it’s a well known fact that socializing with good friends is a great way to reduce stress. Make a special effort to make a new friend sometime soon. It may sound corny, but new friendships often add spice to life.

Wednesday 4 June 2008

Polisi akhirnya bertindak tegas. Sebanyak 39 anggota Front Pembela Islam (FPI), Rabu (4/6) pagi tadi sudah ditangkap oleh aparat Polda Metro Jaya., Jakarta: Polisi akhirnya bertindak tegas. Sebanyak 39 anggota Front Pembela Islam (FPI), Rabu (4/6) pagi tadi sudah ditangkap oleh aparat Polda Metro Jaya. Mereka dicokok dari markasnya di Petamburan, Jakarta Pusat. Tidak ada perlawanan dari pihak FPI atas penangkapan tersebut.

Seperti dilaporkan secara langsung dari lokasi kejadian oleh reporter Metro TV Cynthia Ayusta, setelah penangkapan suasana di Petamburan masih ramai. Sebagian pasukan yang diterjunkan ke lokasi ini sudah ditarik kembali. Namun, masih ada beberapa pasukan yang mencari target operasi di markas FPI. Ketua FPI Habib Rizieq sudah menuju ke Markas Polda Metro Jaya.

Tadi ada salah satu anggota FPI yang menyamar sebagai wartawan. Ia lalu ditangkap polisi. Suasana jalan di lokasi kejadian tidak ditutup. Namun, kendaraan roda empat tidak bisa melewati jalan ini karena terblokir oleh massa dan polisi. Namun, kendaraan roda dua bisa melalui kawasan ini.

Anggota FPI ditangkap menyusul kekerasan yang terjadi di Silang Monas, Jakarta Pusat, Ahad lalu. Saat itu, ketika massa dari Aliansi Kebangsaan untuk Kebebasan Beragama dan Berkeyakinan tengah memperingati hari lahir Pancasila, tiba-tiba diserang oleh massa yang diduga anggota FPI. Belasan orang terluka dan harus dirawat di rumah sakit.(DOR)

