Tuesday 30 November 2010

你是要20年的工資還是要3句忠告? (來自網路的分享)







男人上路了…他走了好幾天…把第一個麵包吃了一半了,沒過多久遇到一個路口,他打聽:請問到**走哪條路近?路人甲:走小路吧,近。路人乙:走大路吧,安全。他迫不急待要與妻子見面,於是走了小路。走了沒多久就聽到有路人說附近鬧山賊,於是他想起了老闆的第一個忠告:不要試圖尋找捷徑。於是他回頭去走那條大路。又走了幾天,第二個麵包也吃了一部分了…他找到一家極便宜的客棧投宿。半夜聽見有女子哭聲,他睡不下。於是決定出門看看。這時他想到了第二個忠告:不要對明知不是好事的事過分好奇。於是他又睡下了。第二日起程時,店家驚道:你還活著?!他不解,遂問原由。店家說他有個瘋女兒,發病時用哭聲引人出來再將其殺害,昨晚投宿的客人只有你一個活著。男人長歎:啊… 又走了幾天,當第二個麵包吃完時他已離家不遠了。他更加激動了。天剛黑下來沒多久,他就走到了自己的村子。到家時他剛準備敲門,卻聽到屋裡有男人的聲音。他氣極了,拿起一把砍柴刀就準備沖進屋子將那男的殺掉。但這時他想到了第三個忠告:不要在衝動時做任何決定,可能這個決定會讓你後悔一輩子。於是他冷靜下來,在屋外坐了一夜。第二天早上他很早就敲開了門,妻子見他回來十分高興。但他卻很冷漠:那個男人是誰?他妻子笑曰:那是我們的兒啊…你走後沒多久我就…這時他發現這個年輕小夥竟和自己長得相似極了。父子初次見面,相擁而泣…一陣關切過後男人拿出第三個麵包準備和妻、子一齊分享…切開之後卻發現20年的工資全在裡面。所以我們做任何事都要考慮清楚否則到最後後悔的是自己!


一:沉穩 (1)不要隨便顯露你的情緒。 (2)不要逢人就訴說你的困難和遭遇。 (3)在徵詢別人的意見之前,自己先思考,但不要先講。 (4)不要一有機會就嘮叨你的不滿。 (5)重要的決定儘量有別人商量,最好隔一天再發佈。 (6)講話不要有任何的慌張,走路也是。

二:細心 (1)對身邊發生的事情,常思考它們的因果關係。 (2)對做不到位的執行問題,要發掘它們的根本癥結。 (3)對習以為常的做事方法,要有改進或優化的建議。 (4)做什麼事情都要養成有條不紊和井然有序的習慣。 (5)經常去找幾個別人看不出來的毛病或弊端。 (6)自己要隨時隨地對有所不足的地方補位。

三:膽識 (1)不要常用缺乏自信的詞句 (2)不要常常反悔,輕易推翻已經決定的事。 (3)在眾人爭執不休時,不要沒有主見。 (4)整體氛圍低落時,你要樂觀、陽光。 (5)做任何事情都要用心,因為有人在看著你。 (6)事情不順的時候,歇口氣,重新尋找突破口,就結束也要乾淨俐落。

四:大度 (1)不要刻意把有可能是夥伴的人變成對手。 (2)對別人的小過失、小錯誤不要斤斤計較。 (3)在金錢上要大方,學習三施(財施、法施、無畏施) (4)不要有權力的傲慢和知識的偏見。 (5)任何成果和成就都應和別人分享。 (6)必須有人犧牲或奉獻的時候,自己走在前面。

五:誠信 (1)做不到的事情不要說,說了就努力做到。 (2)虛的口號或標語不要常掛嘴上。 (3)針對客戶提出的“不誠信"問題,拿出改善的方法。 (4)停止一切“不道德"的手段。 (5)耍弄小聰明,要不得! (6)計算一下產品或服務的誠信代價,那就是品牌成本。

六:擔當 (1)檢討任何過失的時候,先從自身或自己人開始反省。 (2)事項結束後,先審查過錯,再列述功勞。 (3)認錯從上級開始,表功從下級啟動 (4)著手一個計畫,先將權責界定清楚,而且分配得當。 (5)對“怕事"的人或組織要挑明瞭說。 (6)因為勇於承擔責任所造成的損失,公司應該承擔


1、敢於決斷--克服猶豫不定的習性 很多人之所以一事無成,最大的毛病就是缺乏敢於決斷的手段,總是左顧右盼、思前想後,從而錯失成功的最佳時機。成大事者在看到事情的成功可能性到來時,敢於做出重大決斷,因此取得先機。

2、挑戰弱點--徹底改變自己的缺陷 人人都有弱點,不能成大事者總是固守自己的弱點,一生都不會發生重大轉變;能成大事者總是善於從自己的弱點上開刀,去把自己變成一個能力超強的人。一個連自己的缺陷都不能糾正的人,只能是失敗者!

3、突破困境--從失敗中撮成功的資本 人生總要面臨各種困境的挑戰,甚至可以說困境就是“鬼門關”。一般人會在困境面前渾身發抖,而成大事者則能把困境變為成功的有力跳板。

4、抓住機遇--善於選擇、善於創造 機遇就是人生最大的財富。有些人浪費機遇輕而易舉,所以一個個有巨大潛力的機遇都悄然溜跑,成大事都是絕對不允許溜走,並且能縱身撲向機遇。

5、發揮強項--做自己最擅長的事情 一個能力極弱的人肯定難以打開人生局面,他必定是人生舞臺上重量級選手的犧牲品;成大事者關於在自己要做的事情上,充分施展才智,一步一步地拓寬成功之路。

6、調整心態--切忌讓情緒傷害自己 心態消極的人,無論如何都挑不起生活和重擔,因為他們無法直面一個個人生挫折,成大事者則關於高速心態,即使在毫無希望時,也能看到一線成功的亮光。

7、立即行動--只說不做,徒勞無益 一次行動勝過百遍心想。有些人是“語言的巨人,行動的矮子”,所以看不到更為實際現實的事情在他身上發生;成大事者是每天都靠行動來落實自己的人生計畫的。

8、善於交往--巧妙利用人力資源 一個人不懂得交往,必然會推動人際關係的力量。成大事者的特點之一是:善於靠借力、借熱去營造成功的局勢,從而能把一件件難以辦成的事辦成,實現自己人生的規劃。

9、重新規劃--站到更高的起點上 人生是一個過程,成功也是一個過程。你如果滿足于小成功,就會推動大成功。成大事者懂得從小到大的艱辛過程,所以在實現了一個個小成功之後,能繼續拆開下一個人生的“密封袋”。 可以講任何一種手段,都可以導致一種結果,但這個結果是不是最佳的結果,恐怕就很難說了。成大事者總是選擇最佳的手段,達到最完善的結果,這就是非一般人所能做到的。因此在成功之路上,你要想成大事,首先要解決的問題就是:你的手段對你推動成功的計畫是否立竿見影!

MAHAI Show 2010 at Hotel Istana... http://www.teknologimakanan.com/2010/08/maha-international-2010-dilancar-hari.html

Thursday 11 November 2010

P1 Edu-Inside – a motivational talk to Malaysian youths | Facebook

Time Saturday, November 13 · 9:00am - 12:30pm

Location Packet Hub Auditorium, Level 11, Packet
No. 159 Jalan Templer
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Created By P1 Edu-Inside

More Info About the programme:

P1 believes that shaping the right “Can Do” mindset among our youth is critical to the development of our nation.

As such, we are embarking on an exciting “P1 Edu-Inside Programme”, which aims to:

• Cultivate CAN DO attitude in young Malaysians and inspire them to be Challengers.
• Unleash the talents of young Malaysians to excel at world class standard.

This programme reaches out to Malaysian youths, especially those at age 15 ~ 20, but parents are encouraged to attend too. Along with the inspiring talks delivered by panel speakers, there will be participatory activities (with prizes) to challenge Malaysian youths to expand their thinking box or to remove the box!

In this upcoming event on 13th November 2010 (Saturday), we have the honor from two Malaysian kampong boys to speak with us about their life exploration from school days to world top university; and how they shape their life today.

About the first speaker:

Chen Chow, Secretary of American Universities Alumni Malaysia

• Chew Chow has inspired thousands of youths and helped them to excel in their studies. He has been consulting for students aspiring to get into top universities in the world.
• Chen Chow is the founder of www.recom.org (The Worldwide Malaysian Students Network), an online site with multi-millions of web hits. He is also a recipient of Asian Youth Ambassador Most Outstanding Youth 2009 Award.
• Chen Chow obtained a bachelor degree from Cornell University in 2005, majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering, with triple minors in Industrial System & Information Technology, Information Science and Engineering Management. He is also a Certified Product Manager and Certified Inbound Marketing Professional. Currently Chen Chow is working as product manager with JobStreet.com; and serving as Chairman of Cornell Alumni Admission Ambassador Network Malaysia, and a Convener of Young Corporate Malaysians.

Chen Chow will speak on “Youth, you are empowered”

About the second speaker:

Chee Choun, Treasurer of The Oxford & Cambridge Society Malaysia.

• Chee Choun has a wide range of interests, ranging from music and travel, to engineering and sports. He is a founding member of the SnL Singers, and has performed widely in the local and international arts scenes, including before the Malaysian Prime Minister. He is also a pianist, composer, music arranger and voice-over artist.
• Serving as honorary treasurer for Oxbridge Malaysia, Chee Choun is actively involved with the Oxford and Cambridge communities in growing the knowledge economy of Malaysia and in promoting the use of the English language among students.
• Chee Choun graduated from Cambridge University with a master's degree in Manufacturing Engineering. He also holds an ACCA qualification in Accounting and Finance. Currently Chee Choun is working for ProSoft Technology, as a business development manager in Australia and New Zealand, and as manager for their Asia Pacific technical team.

Chee Choun will speak on “I’m Possible”

Calling for ACTIONS!

Come find out yourselves! Listen to the extra-ordinary stories from our Malaysian kampong boys on how they prepare themselves and excel at world class standards.

Date: Saturday, 13th. November 2010
Time: 9.00am – 12.30pm (registration time is 8.30am to 9am)
Venue: Packet Hub Auditorium, No. 159 Jalan Templer, 46050 PJ, Selangor.

Priorities will be given to those aged between 15 and 20, but all are encouraged to attend. Admission is FREE with RSVP.

Seats are limited. Please RSVP your attendance to p1edu@packet-1.com (email) or 012-4506461 (SMS) with your particulars:

1. Full name
2. School (or organization, if for parents)
3. Email
4. Mobile number
5. House address

1. Dress Code: casual smart
2. ONLY mineral water will be provided, FOC.
3. Seats will be guaranteed only to those with RSVP.
4. Parking: FOC, within Packet Hub building.

Saturday 6 November 2010













昨天和友人去了Ulu Yam 的 Sendat Waterfall



