Friday 31 July 2009

Three WiMAX firms warned
KUALA LUMPUR: The three companies holding WiMAX licences that have yet to roll out their services nationwide have been warned they risk losing their licences.

Information, Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said yesterday the Government had the right to revoke their licences if the companies did not roll out their services by year-end, especially to Sabah and Sarawak.

The terms of their licences required it, he noted.

“They have to show proof why their licences should not be revoked by end of the year if they do not fulfil their responsibility as required by their licences,” he said after the 1Malaysia Seminar here on Thursday.

Rais said he had instru cted industry regulator, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, to look into the issue and review the licences of the three companies.

But the three p layers told Star Biz they had been following the rules and saw no reason for their licences to be revoked.

Four companies were in 2007 awarded the 2.3GHz spectrum, allowing them to offer wireless broadband services using WiMAX technology.

The four are Packet One Networks (M) Sdn Bhd, REDtone International Bhd, YTL e-Solutions Bhd and Asiaspace Dotcom Sdn Bhd.

The Government has set a target to have 50% national broadband penetration rate in the country by end-2010 and Rais’ concern is understandable as without full participation of the players, be it WiMAX, fixed and cellular, the 50% penetration rate will not be achievable.

It stands at 25% currently.

Packet One has the widest roll-out while REDtone offers services in parts of Kota Kinabalu and Kuching, and Asiaspace has 70 to 80 locations covered in the Klang Valley.

The only company yet to roll out services on WiMAX platform is YTL e-Solutions but its director Datuk Yeoh Seok Hong said “we will be ahead of our target to cover 50% of the population by July 1 next year.’’

While YTL e-Solutions is the latecomer in terms o f roll-out, Yeoh said it was working with Samsung, Clearwire and Cisco for a nationwide rollout on July 1, 2010.

REDtone is the only company with the WiMAX licence to cover Sabah and Sarawak.

“We have done our part and will do our best. We are committed to the national broadband agenda and apart from the interest of business we also recognise this as an important national service. The cost of rolling out services in Sabah and Sarawak in our experience is two to three times more than rolling it out in Peninsular Malaysia; that is why we see it as doing national service.

“Our service is available in parts of Kota Kinabalu and Kuching and we have plans t o cover more towns,’’ said group chief executive officer Zainal Amanshah.

Asiaspace chairman Datuk Abdul Ghani said the company had fully covered 25% o f the population required of it this year.

“We have acquired 138 base station sites, of which 61 are ‘on air.’

“We are waiting to install the remaining 77 as we have not got approvals from the local authorities, owners of land and buildings, and all that is a tedious process,” Ghani said.

Thursday 16 July 2009

where is the "Fox" in your office???

大同電信 TATUNG InfoComm (Powered by Green Packet)
啟動WiMAX 4G新紀元 大同電信耀動高雄展鋒芒

WiMAX 4G大行動促案震撼開賣 體驗4G飆網超快感
首月體驗價0元 行動寬頻卡不用錢 再享5個月月租半價 輕鬆升級4G一族

繼今年四月於澎湖地區成功商轉,成為首家WiMAX 4G開台業者,大同電信昨(8)日再次以NO.1之姿宣布於高雄市正式開台。以佈建高服務效率的WiMAX 4G營運網路、最貼心專業的客戶服務以及最超值優惠的促銷專案,率先提供高雄鄉親享用大頻寬、超高速的WiMAX 4G行動寬頻上網服務!

在大同電信林郭文艷董事長號召邀請下,國內、外資通訊產業及網路設備大廠包括Intel、Acer、Microsoft、Alcatel- Lucent、Green Packet、QMI、Zyxel、中視科技及Now News今日新聞等9家業者,共同宣示為行動寬頻產業前進與發展開擘交流新頁、攜手拼出WiMAX 4G美好大未來!

現場國內、外貴賓齊聚,包括高雄市大家長陳菊市長、高雄縣楊秋興縣長、NCC國家通訊傳播委員會、Intel英特爾台灣分公司陳立生總經理、 Alcatel-Lucent台灣分公司翟良超總經理、Acer宏碁電腦林顯郎總經理及WiMAX相關產業與通訊設備大廠等貴賓,共同見證高雄市於台灣本島率先啟用大同電信大頻寬、超高速的WiMAX 4G行動寬頻服務,成功帶領南台灣邁入WiMAX 4G新紀元。


大同電信林郭文艷董事長則表示,全球注目運動賽事世運會即將於高雄展開,在陳菊市長與市府團隊的努力下,高雄市全方位成功打造國際城市面貌,大幅提昇全球能見度是有目共睹。大同電信於南台灣首善之都高雄市率先開台營運,為南台灣行動寬頻產業發展寫下新頁,致力打造高雄市成為國際級行動科技大城。除提供行動寬頻服務全新選擇及享用WiMAX 4G大頻寬、高速無線傳輸及支援高速移動的服務優勢,許多創新的應用也將應運而生。

在不久的未來,大同電信優化的WiMAX網路佈建將遍及南台灣,讓在地民眾皆能享受創新便利的行動生活,WiMAX 4G寬頻服務在電信市場蓬勃發展將是指日可期。

高雄市陳菊市長表示,大同電信於高雄市完成WiMAX無線網路基礎佈建,提供廣大鄉親優先享用最先進的WiMAX 4G行動寬頻服務,為南台灣電信服務史寫下新里程碑。特別是全球體壇盛事─世界運動會即將於7月16日於高雄巨蛋熱烈展開,為高雄市開啟了世界之鑰,高雄市將成為全世界矚目的焦點。而高雄市率先啟用WiMAX 4G行動寬頻服務,不僅證明在全球的科技資訊領航潮流中絕不缺席,更向世界發聲,展現出高雄充沛的城市生命力與活力,更證明高雄是一個現代化、高科技化的國際級都會城市!

高雄縣楊秋興縣長則表示,高縣與大同電信攜手執行「魅力三山行動高縣」計畫,於高雄縣佈建WiMAX行動寬頻實驗網路,達平衡城鄉數位落差,提升高雄縣行動寬頻整體發展。今天大同電信的開台為南台灣開啟了全新便利的行動科技生活。相信很快的,高雄縣WiMAX 4G行動寬頻服務也即將正式商轉啟用,透過行動寬頻網路技術整合高雄縣整體發展資源,帶動高雄縣整體產業加速成長,加速活絡南台灣行動寬頻市場的發展。

WiMAX 4G 大頻寬 高傳輸 全方位體驗全新行動生活

大同電信嚴福心總經理也於現場,展示大同電信WiMAX無線寬頻網路佈建於高雄愛河廊帶沿線成果,透過WiMAX連線至高雄觀光著名景點愛河愛之船現場,與愛河現場民眾進行行動影音互動,將WiMAX 4G高速大頻寬傳輸優勢特性完美展現。而活動現場亦展出WiMAX於商務、居家及戶外環境等行動無線上網、影音視聽、休閒娛樂、安全監控…多項應用服務,透過情境展出將WiMAX 4G隨時隨地恣上網的全行動生活,展露無疑。

另外,現場針對WiMAX 4G 議題特別規劃論壇活動,邀請產、官、學各界先進擔任主講,議題涵括WiMAX 4G產業革新、WiMAX 4G 行動通訊藍海、WiMAX 4G 創新生活應用、WiMAX 4G 創新商務應用及Wimax 4G新商機來臨等五大主題,內容精湛,獲得現場來賓一致好評。

高雄慶開台【WiMAX 4G大行動促案】在地優惠費率輕鬆省
多段式費率 首月0月租 連續五個月月租半價 WiMAX 4G行動頻卡免費送

慶祝大同電信高雄開台,自即日起至9月30日,特別推出「WiMAX 4G大行動促案」,其中強力推薦給行動樂活族的「WiMAX 4G行動寬頻上網」專案,享首月免費體驗月租0元、第二個月至第六個月月租半價只要399元、第七個月起恢復原月租799元,平均每月月租只要682元,且WiMAX 4G行動寬頻卡搭配專案價0元(原價3,990元),輕鬆盡享行動上網、飆網無限吃到飽樂趣。

而推薦給寬頻享樂族的則是「WiMAX 4G無線寬頻上網」專案,同享首月免費體驗月租0元、第二個月至第六個月月租(低於)半價只要369元、第七個月起恢復原月租749元,平均每月月租只要638元。不僅可同時多人(室內)暢享WiMAX 4G無線上網恣意快感,且WiMAX 4G無線接取設備「免」租金,還可享不限傳輸、盡情遨遊網際!

此外,大同電信另推出行動及居家上網族雙享服務,即提供申辦「WiMAX 4G無線寬頻上網」專案的用戶,可同時加購WiMAX 4G行動寬頻卡(加購價999元),還可享首月月租0元的好康,每月輕鬆付月租749元,就可立即享行動上網與居家無線上網的雙享樂趣,且不限傳輸享吃到飽的超級優惠。

計時制費率 月租339元起 用多少 算多少 使用時間自由掌握

大同電信「WiMAX 4G大行動促案」為輕量級及使用量不定的消費者,貼心推出「計時制」專案,每月月租339元內含免費30個小時的傳輸量,超過免費傳輸量以秒計費,每秒僅0.0083元(0.5元/分),每月最高收費上限金額(含月租)為1,000元,另享WiMAX行動寬頻卡專案價1,990元。「計時制」專案提供您更彈性的資資選擇,用多少、算多少費用輕鬆省,不必再為上網用量多寡而傷透腦筋。活動期間內,凡申辦「WiMAX 4G大行動促案」專案的用戶,即有機會可獲得大同電信開台限量多功能背包(限量300名),您可千萬別錯過囉!

Wednesday 15 July 2009

不满“老大”报道提其选区 天球叫《中国报》别写谣言

Email reply from customer

Je suis actuellement en congés et je serais de retour le 03 Aout 2009.
Durant mon absence :
Pour les éléments techniques en cours vous pouvez contacter :

Thanks to google translate and i got this
I am currently on leave and I would be back on 03 August 2009.
During my absence:
For the technical course, you can contact:

Wiggy 69



Wednesday 1 July 2009

SkyTrex Adventure - Extreme Trail!!!
Little Adventure
• Participants of all ages: RM 25.00

Big Thrill
• Participants aged 12 and above: RM 35.00
• Participants aged below 12: RM 25.00

Extreme Challenge NEW!
• Rate per pax: RM 40.00
• Requirements: Aged ≥ 16, Height ≥ 1.50m, Weighs ≤ 100kg
• Recommendations: Strong upper body strength and have had the experience of Big Thrill
• Dates Available for Booking Now: June, July & August 2009
A 10% discount is entitled to group(s) with pax ≥ 10, per course. However, please note that this discount is not applicable to participants of the Extreme Challenge

Please note that all charges are inclusive of:

* Bus transfer from TPM Main Entrance - Skytrex Adventure Park - TPM Main Entrance
* Rental of personal protective equipment (PPE) - harness
* Safety briefing
* Training session at the Initiation / Jump Start circuit
* Actual circuit challenge

As of 2009, charges are not inclusive of TPM entry ticket (RM 3 per adult, RM 1 per child).

Gloves are available for sale at the rate of RM 3.00/pair (subjected to changes and availability).